Shota and George (None) - Climbing Georgia owners and Deka Hut owners

Our Background

Alpine Hut Deka was built and is run by local Georgian mountain guides, George and Shota. They started Climbing Georgia in 2012, to offer outdoor adventure trips across Georgia.

In 2019, they launched Catskiing Georgia as part of their portfolio of trips. That same year, they took on Cafe Mkinvartsveri in Mount Kazbek’s base camp (the meteorological station at Betlemi Hut). After years of hard work and careful planning, they opened Alpine Hut Deka in 2023.

We are proud of our Georgian heritage, culture and long mountaineering history. The Georgian Mountain Guide Association is now part of the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations. This is an important step in local development, and supports the growth of tourism and outdoor adventure in Georgia.

We work closely with local guides, businesses and communities. We care about creating opportunities for Georgians and growing our outdoor industry. Georgia is a vibrant and beautiful country; we want to share its unique landscapes and culture with people from around the world.